“You Can’t Even Know Half of the Truth”

I have been suffering from DPS and “reform” fatigue, hence my recent silence. But several things have occurred that have catapulted me back to my computer: multiple emails from Superintendent Tom Boasberg touting DPS’ success; newspaper stories telling the truth about public education; conversations with real “boots on the ground” DPS educators and parents; and former DPS superintendent, current U.S. Senator Michael Bennet’s somewhat over the top introduction of his childhood friend and current DPS superintendent Tom Boasberg’s appearance at a No Child Left Behind re-authorization panel where the Senator reiterated the DPS success myth. When Senator Bennet finished, committee chair Lamar Alexander (R-TN) said, “I think that boils down to ‘he [Boasberg] cleaned up after you left.’” To which Senator Bennet responded, “You can’t even know half of the truth.”

The email onslaught from superintendent Boasberg seems endless. The January 22 “My DPS” email (it has always bothered me why it is “MY” not “OUR”) touted how happy DPS employees are, followed by two seemingly contradictory emails addressing District concerns around high teacher and principal turnover and retention, which in turn prompted Chalkbeat Colorado to write about the “crisis level” in teacher turnover in DPS.  If DPS teachers are so happy, why are they leaving in such numbers that DPS now has a crisis? And why in mid-year are there already 18 principal turnovers for the next school year?

Then on Wednesday February 4, Mr. Boasberg had the chutzpah to write about how DPS students are spending too much time on tests and test prep. Really? Does the superintendent think his email recipients don’t know who is responsible and who should be held accountable for this testing madness? Does he think no one will connect the dots?

Denver Public Schools has been a poster child for education “reform” these past ten years, long enough to have meaningful data to analyze, so let’s take a “deeper dive” as the “reformers” like to say into what Superintendent Michael Bennet started and Superintendent Tom Boasberg has accelerated in Denver, Colorado.

What is “half of the truth” to which Senator Bennet was referring?


Casualties of Reform

Before we look at the list of casualties, we need to examine what is probably the number one issue facing public education over time, that being EQUITY or the lack thereof. “Reformers” have stated repeatedly reducing the inequities in public education is a top priority. Pre-reformers have stated the same, post-reformers will say the same. The truth is public education has been haunted by the ghost of inequity for more years than one would like to admit. But the real tragedy of this current “reform” has not been its failure to find a solution for inequity. No, the real tragedy of “reform” as practiced by DPS and other “reform” laboratories is that its policies have actually made the inequities greater. What follows are some of the losses Denver Public Schools has experienced and why these are contributing to a growing inequity in public education:

  • Truth – has been sacrificed for an imaginary universe created by a grade A public relations/public information office (often enhanced by outside public relations consultants), costing over half a million dollars per year.  In this imaginary world “reform” is working and student success palpable.
  • Integration – This one is particularly egregious. Out of 154 schools on the most recent School Performance Framework, 65% have student bodies over 70% minority (100 schools), 43.5% (67 schools) have student bodies OVER 90% minority. Contrast that with 17 schools, or 11%, with student bodies LESS than 30% minority. This is a long way of saying 76% (65% + 11%) of Denver’s schools are “demographically homogenous” to use the New York Times phraseology.  My term would be “segregated”. The New York Times editorial goes on to say Hartford, Connecticut has addressed this challenge of re-segregation by introducing a “vibrant system of magnet schools to improve opportunities for inner-city children and draw suburban families back…”  
  • Pension funding and increasing debt – When the DPS Retirement System merged into the Colorado Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) in 2009 it was funded at 88%. Today PERA DPS division is funded at 82%, and the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) is continuing to grow thanks to legislation allowing DPS to continue to defund its pension plan though a complicated credit scheme: SB 09-24-51-401 and 24-51-412 (2)). In April 2008 DPS borrowed $750 million to retire a 1997 pension debt of $300 million and and an unfunded liability of $400 million.  It did so through a risky variable rate swap deal (think Detroit, MI bankruptcy and Birmingham, AL sewer project). That 2008 $700 million pension-related debt has sky-rocketed to $1.6 billion and has already cost Denver taxpayers an extra $200 million in termination fees alone, resulting in a current debt of $950 million.  And because of the legislation cited above the UAAL shortfall has been allowed to grow from $400 million in 2008 to $709 million today resulting in the $1.6 BILLION owed by taxpayers today ($950 million + $709 million).  What is being used for collateral for this all of this debt?  Thirty-five (35) DPS school buildings including architectural icons like East, West, North, South which could potentially be lost should  DPS be unable to make the principal payments on this debt.
  • Local control and funding of Board of Education Electionsreplaced by nationally funded, high cost elections. The last two DPS Board of Education elections saw spending of between $250,000 to $300,000 per candidate with money from the likes of Texans John and Laura Arnold, Democrats for Education Reform, Stand for Children as well as contributions ranging from $3000 to $10,000 per candidate from Denver businessmen Phil Anschutz, Pat Hamill, Bruce Benson, Sam Gary and Dan Ritchie.
  • Achievement gap – “Reformers” consistently talk about the need to reduce/eliminate this gap, the difference in achievement between children living in poverty and those not.  Yet this gap in Denver is INCREASING every year. (See pages 46-48). Reading GAP UP 7 percentage points in 10 years to 36%, GAP UP 20 percentage points in math to 34%, GAP UP 9 percentage points in writing to 36%.
  • Student Learning, love of learning, lifetime learning – replaced by high stakes testing and test prep producing a narrowing of curricula of crisis proportions. See how meager the ten year gains have been.
  • Diagnostic student evaluations – have been replaced by high stakes testing. See FAIR TEST and Diane Ravitch for much more on this enormous controversy.
  • Student privacy – compromised by businesses harvesting student information keystroke by keystroke. Much more at studentprivacymatters.org and Diane Ravitch
  • Discipline – replaced by an almost incomprehensible discipline ladder from DPS administration, encouraging schools NOT to suspend or expel students so the “numbers” look as if the District is making progress in stopping the so-called school house to jail house track. Unsafe situations for students and teachers are increasing, and bullying is at an all time high.
  • Professional educators – replaced by alternatively licensed “teachers.” Few of us would use alternatively trained professionals for needed services, yet “reformers” somehow think it is just fine for our greatest assets – our kids – to spend their education time with alternatively trained teachers. Someone please give me a rational, not political, justification for this. One of the most highly touted alternative paths to teaching, Teach for America, is being challenged for its model, so much so the New York Times wrote a front page story about this organization and its practices on Friday, February 5, 2015.
  • Protected – yes union – workers – replaced by “at-will” workers at charter schools and innovation schools. Almost all new DPS schools fall into the at-will employment category – 53 charters and over 20 so-called innovation schools. One-third of all DPS schools are now staffed by “at-will” employees.
  • Morale – teachers are leaving, retiring early, in such great numbers there are classrooms that have several substitutes per week or even worse, no teacher in the classroom because the District is unable to find substitute teachers. Chalkbeat Colorado wrote this article describing the crisis.  A “reform” policy and goal of having “highly qualified teachers in every classroom” is in fact having the opposite effect because the reality is many “highly qualified teachers” are leaving in droves.  This hypocrisy cannot be overlooked and must be taken seriously.
  • Art – replaced by test prep for Reading, Math, and Writing
  • Music – see Art
  • Social Studies – see Art
  • Science – see Art
  • Physical Education – see Art
  • School as a community center and a stable force in students’ lives – replaced by chaos and churn exemplified by “reform” policies of Choice, Innovation Schools, teacher and principal turnover (only 10% of DPS traditional schools have had the same school leader for 5 years, half of all teachers in DPS leave the district within three years). And even though “reformers” would like you to believe charters are public schools, the school District does not keep track of charter school churn and much other important data. To get that information one must call each charter management organization, a project for another day.
  • Schools report cards – replaced by something called the School Performance Framework, an accountability model heavily weighted on growth over proficiency. Neither system gives an accurate picture; the former was much easier to understand. Until we have the honest conversation about poverty and the ability not only to speak English but to take a high stakes test in English, much of this is hogwash. Rating schools does, however, allow for students and schools to be labeled failures resulting in school closures and more chaos.
  • Neighborhood Schools and Magnet Schools – replaced by 53 charter schools from fewer than 5 in 2005.  Before “reform” took hold in Denver, the District had many vibrant magnet school options with discussions about increasing these options.  As charters have multiplied, magnets have dwindled.  Charters and magnets have a difficult time co-existing, and in Denver charters have won.

And finally there are the DPS Core Values, emblazoned on every piece of email, hanging on banners throughout the administration building and schools everywhere. If you have been following education “reform,” these have to make you chuckle, if not outright LOL (laugh out loud).  Missing from these core values?   Education and learning.  They don’t seem to be a core value of Denver Public Schools.

  • Students First – hard for business model to work when it values commodities and the bottom line over human beings.
  • Equity – see bullets above, http://www.kaplanforkids.wordpress.com.
  • Collaboration – replaced by a business model steeped in winners and losers.
  • Integrity – see Truth above.
  • Accountability – for all but the actual decision makers. The superintendent has never made his stated, measurable goals, yet he still gets a bonus.  Meanwhile, teachers are losing their jobs for far fewer and less long-lasting shortfalls.
  • Fun – ask your child’s teacher if s(he) is having any fun. Better yet, ask a kid.

So what is the truth, Senator Bennet, that we the taxpayers of Denver can’t know the half of? Is it the total mismatch of public education with the business model resulting in not just student and teacher failure, but “reform” failure? (Important to note that the highly sought after Broad Prize for urban education suspended its Prize this year because there were no districts which were moving the needle fast enough to warrant recognition. Is it possible Eli Broad is realizing “the problems are deeper than he imagined,” Diane Ravitch wrote.) Is it the loss of pension funds resulting in a doubling of taxpayers’ debt you and Superintendent Boasberg engineered? Is it the casualties of the “reform” you started in Denver?  As those paying for these follies, financially as well as educationally, we deserve to know not just half of the truth but rather we deserve to know all of the truth.







15 thoughts on ““You Can’t Even Know Half of the Truth”

  1. Thankful today for FB. I mean, the truth and courage in this post are so admirable, and humbling, and inspiring — and to me, SO much more sincere than anything I’ve read or seen from traditional coverage of ed reform in Denver, which feels contrived and careful and stilted and inaccessible and incomplete. Dry. It matches the calculation & detached paternalism I see emanating from reformers’ and the messaging and talking points coming from their PR departments. But Jeannie’s post feels so REAL–unabashedly, unceremoniously, and unapologetically. It resonates. I recognize the picture Jeannie paints, and the affirmation of my observations and experience, of what I know to be true — that fact that someone else gets it– well, it stirs me out of my tired seat of complacent resignation. I cannot walk away from it and trust that Alicia Caldwell and Chalkbeat and Chalkbeat community and the well-heeled ‘do-gooders’ in the reform community will eventually wake-up and understand. (Pretty sure they won’t.) I read Jeannie’s post and I feel empowered and obliged to challenge them. And man, that makes me feel alive. Thank you for that, Jeannie Kaplan. That part about “Truth” in the list of casualties: OMG, so true. And it just got better from there. The stories, posts, alternative viewpoints & observations on social media fill a need. Please keep posting, Jeannie.


  2. Amen. Article captured the essence of this dysfunctional district. I worked for DPS for and was forced to retire as I refused to sign a contract that my principal initiated that gave her the right to fire me at her distress ion. She was attempting to micromanage me. She had no idea about development of children, she hid in her office, parents were never able to communicate with her. She did not allow me to record discipline infractions, administration often took down students without the training and I was told to mind my own business when I asked if parents were aware of the restraint
    Thanks for listening. I am a school psychologist


    • I wish I could wave my magic wand and make the bad guys go away and the good guys start collaborating to establish a better system. I can’t but you are not alone. I do wish I could gather all of you together to plan a counter action of some sort! Elections are still one answer.


  3. Thank you for this honesty. I would like to add that another casualty of all of this reform is experienced, dedicated principals. The new district movement seems to be hiring young very motivated principals who have spent the minimum amount of required time teaching in a classroom, and who then get certified through an accelerated principal program. This sounds fine on the outside, but the problem I’ve seen is that then our schools lose a principal that has been there a decade or more, one who loves and pours into their school community, who embraces the students and families who are currently there. That is replaced by a young principal who puts extra pressure on teachers, who doesn’t make the same community connections, and who tries to attract new families to the school at the expense of the families who are already there. I am so disappointed with these principal programs and the candidates that they accept and train. They are missing huge pieces of what makes a successful principal. I think this is a huge reason that there is such a teacher turnover problem.


    • Sarah – unfortunately, I have to agree with you. Chalkbeat Colorado did a story about the principal churn (I cited it in this piece), and I have done my own analysis. Less than 10% of our remaining non-charter schools have had the same principal since Boasberg took over. And I have just learned three will be at least 18 more new principals for the next school year. And this is just February! What is really frustrating to me is while claiming to be “public schools,” charters seem to be exempt from District oversight. The District does not keep statistics for teacher or principal churn for charters (nor does the District keep much else regarding taxpayer funded, privatized charters).

      Few business model practices and ideologies work in public education. (I would say none have worked here but I have been accused of being too black and white and so I will say “few”).People are not commodities and cannot be judged by mostly objective criteria, and public education should not be about the bottom line and winning and losing. It seems as if there are new educational failures weekly in Denver. What will it take to stop this madness? Seriously.


  4. Thanks for the video clip of Sen. Bennet introducing Supt. Boasberg to the Senate committee in charge of making changes to No Child Left Behind. This footage discourages me far more than just about anything I’ve seen or read in a long time. The extremely comfortable, chummy, joking introduction demonstrates just how tight the structure of power, money, and influence are in this country. Look at Sen. Al Franken looking on, he whose daughter is head of charter schools in Washington, DC. Both Bennet and Franken employ “interns” generously provided by Teach for America as education consultants. Whether or not Sen. Lamar Alexander’s remark is meant as joking (perhaps) or with a bit of bite to it really doesn’t matter. He’s a lead power of the charter/voucher/testing crowd, too. This footage fills me with despair. If it weren’t for bloggers like you, Diane Ravitch, Gary Rubinstein, very little of this counter narrative to privatization would emerge. But is it enough? I thank for for trying.


    • Even more depressing is today’s news that has charter management organization DSST applying for 8 more new schools. At the end of this expansion DSST will be educating 25% of Denver’s middle and high school students. And with the 6-1 bought and paid for board of education this deal is all but signed, sealed and delivered. The only unresolved question is where these schools with go. How many more new buildings and complete renovations will Denver taxpayers pay for these new schools while neighborhood schools are left to languish? Pretty soon this won’t be an issue because all of Denver’s schools will be charters. To me that is the biggest tragedy. Private charters, at-will employees, testing testing testing and all the others “reform” failures.

      Thanks for putting me in the same breath as two of my heroes – Diane Ravitch and Gary Rubinstein. I am very humbled.


  5. As a young, second-year teacher in DPS, reading this article nearly brought me to tears. I chose education as a career path because I love being able to make a difference in the lives of children. My students are my kids. It doesn’t matter if they walk in my door hungry, tired, without the proper clothes, or with no school supplies. I live for the moments that I can go “off-script” and teach something that makes my students’ eyes light up; the things that drive them to stand up and cheer because they’re so excited to learn. The “data-driven” system doesn’t often allow for those moments, but I do whatever I can to create them for my kids regardless of what test is coming up soon. Sadly, after two years of hell in DPS, I am being forced out of the district due to my first-year test scores. I specifically chose a degree in Education, worked through my student teaching, and then came to Denver to teach. I chose to stay a second year in my current school because of the students, to be there for them and meet their needs. We are a high poverty, high minority school, and I wanted to stay and make a difference for the children I have grown to love. My heart is here, and these little lives are worth investing in with my time, money, and effort. However, it saddens me to see a district in which a focus is placed so heavily on numbers. The humanity in our schools has been lost, and not only are our students being left behind, teachers are being broken down, destroyed emotionally, and are being driven out of the district in droves. I came in to this profession because of the desire to be a change-maker for students. All I can pray for now is to find another school in another district, and hope that I will be allowed to do what I love to do: teach, not test prep.


    • Thank you, Amanda, for being brave enough to tell the story of so many teachers in DPS. “Humanity” is what is missing in all of these “reforms.” I am sorry for your children who will miss your humanity, kindness and professionalism. I know you will find another position – maybe not in ridiculous Colorado public schools – and those children will be the richer for having you in their lives. And Tom Boasberg wonders why there is such churn, so much so DPS now has a crisis. Really?


  6. Ms.Kaplan, please continue investigating DPS, especially the horrid change in the health benefits and the process of how and why DPS joined PERA. I fear both are hidden scandals that need the light of day.


    • I will do so. The PERA/PCOPs story is one I have been studying for five years but because it is so complicated, it has been difficult to write about. I will do my best to distill the facts and make the whole mess understandable. I reiterate: DPS is defunding the pension plan and while it is legal, thanks to the shenanigans of the Colorado legislature and the DPS administration and its friends, is it moral and ethical? I would say when you intentionally cut payments to a pension plan and allow it to fall precipitously (from 88% to 81%) in four short years, something is not right. Thanks for writing and reading.


  7. Jeannie,

    Thank you for your post and your dedication to public education. Eventually, I hope the general public will wake up and see the damage that the corporate reform movement is doing to our public schools and our kids and teachers.


  8. Thank GOD someone has the courage to continue questioning the cesspool that is DPS! It is true, you don’t know half the truth…


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